Things learned from a co-worker's bachelor party:
- J. is seemingly oblivious to the fact that we were out to embarass him.
- I seem to end up at Hooters only when someone else needs to be embarassed.
- Sapphire Gin and tonic has the most wonderfully wicked blue glow under blacklight.
- I should know better than to have a Very Berry Strawberry Shake and a burger before going to sleep after a night like this.
- Many other things that all add up...
From this small sample list, I'm sure you could see that waking up for a haircut after 5 hours of sleep all that more evil. Although I got that done (tinges of red renewed once more) and took care of the rest of the things I needed to get done before J.'s wedding tomorrow, I was so dead tired afterwards and crashed for 2or 3 hours afterward. Now that I'm awake again, I can't help myself from yawning. *yawn*
Thank goodness it's a three day weekend.
Your Insatiable One ~
2002.08.31 19:56 PM
Bombay Sapphire G&T's are awesome. I have seen the light.