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Weekend Update (Random)

This amusing ancedote is slightly late (heard it earlier last week), but it still deserves to be heard -

One of my managers was on a random beach in Louisiana when he noticed that everyone was carrying around bottles of A1. When he asked one of the locals, the person said that they were because of the jellyfish. He, like most everyone else who was listening to his story, assumed that maybe they simply had a weird A1 & raw jellyfish fetish - much like how some people will eat raw mussels/claims with just sea water. Alas, that was not the case: it seems that A1 has some sort of chemical that reduces the swelling & pain from jellyfish stings.

Slightly related, I had a nice hot and cold platter at Mandarin House that included jellyfish. Mustard can be so wonderful if used correctly.

The weekend movies were Mumford & XXX. Mumford was a very cute movie. Nothing earth shattering, but very entertaining nonetheless. XXX, on the other hand, was very much your summer blockbuster action movie - some very cool stunts/action scenes, hokey plot + questionable acting in places, but overall, an enjoyable ride.

Phrase of the day - Naturally Phallic : a co-worker's description of the Quizno's chip mascot's head.

Your Insatiable One ~ 2002.08.12 15:30 PM