19 lipca 2005


I am getting sick of this whole being blonde thing. I thought I was ready for a return to my roots (so to speak) but I find that in reality, it makes me feel like a fraud. What should I do next? (Someday, when I have money, which will NOT be for awhile.)

a) Stay blonde, yo. They DO have more fun.

b) Follow your dreams and put those black streaks in

c) Medium brown (boring and yet good for that whole act-y thing)

d) dark brown, which I NEVER do

e) back in black (sung a la Benlau with his ukelele)

f) none of the above - please explain

Posted by freesia at 16:03

Well, bald is always a daring choice, and for most people it’ll eventually grow back…

KING COMTE I @ 12:38 PM | 2005/07/20

Short and platinum. To go with that sexy size 8 bod of yours.

Too much upkeep? Short and bright red.

casie @ 01:42 PM | 2005/07/20

The best of both of casie’s worlds: platinum, with red streaks.

But only with the right red.

Scott Swanson @ 02:19 PM | 2005/07/20

MMM… I love scott’s idea. It would be hott.

julietta @ 08:43 AM | 2005/07/21

Eeeenteresting. I’ve done that before and while awesome, it was VERY unflattering for my skin tone. Maybe with a different color of red … hmmm…..


freesia @ 12:24 PM | 2005/07/21

Jet black. ‘Cause it’s hot. And brunettes actually have more fun.

flamingbanjo @ 01:23 PM | 2005/07/21

That last part gets a “Damn right!” from me.

freesia @ 04:11 PM | 2005/07/21

I’m’na vote for the black streaks. (…this isn’t very helpful, is it?)

mol @ 09:34 AM | 2005/07/22

No way, it’s actually TOTALLY helpful. I was leaning toward the streaks and then going full-on black when the rainy season hits, and it’s nice to know that my viewing public wouldn’t mind either of those options. ;)

freesia @ 01:50 PM | 2005/07/22

Alicia, dearest, please send me an email @ the rodeo, so I might lavish my infrequent attentions upon you … *tips his hat* …

silence @ 05:28 PM | 2005/07/22