shamelessly stolen from sgtred
Best. Meme. Ever.
I added a #4 because really, I would like to know …
1. Think of a word you would use to describe me.
2. Go to Google Image Search and search for that word.
3. Select the picture you see as most fitting, and post it as a reply.
4. Put the word you were thinking of in the subject line!
Ummm. there is no subject line… and mt is stripping out the img tag!
“fufylicious” (but google told me that I really meant “fluffylicious”)
As for the subject line, sorry about that - I cut and pasted this entry from LiveJournal, but didn’t have the foresight to edit it appropriately. D’oh.
That picture rules. I am very happy with you, GMS. ;)
Rather self-explanatory, no?
i put in Asskicker
the first image that comes up is EXACTLY what i was hoping to get
it only exists in google’s cache
enough said.
SWEET. I love you guys.
Nenie - which of those pictures was it? Because the first one that came up for ME was this old bearded guy with shades, on the “Free Beer 2001” page. He still exists, in all his fuzzy-faced glory. ;)
it was this gothy cartoon d00d
it was great
GOT it. I liked that one too. The one in the armchair with the cat-ears on? That was hott.
Just for the record, if you can’t manage to post the picture, a link to it will do just fine …