20 września 2004


I have BLACK HAIR! My pipe dreams of actually looking like the girl on my blog are coming true at last. Now, all I need are some fancy headphones, face paint, and well-placed neck tattoos…

Posted by freesia at 19:54

I’m thinking that’s a collar, not a tattoo, (because on the right side of her neck it comes out a bit.)

casie @ 08:04 PM | 2004/09/20

No, it’s a tat — what you see sticking out is actually the bit of her hair on that side.

yukino @ 11:14 PM | 2004/09/20

I’ve already got a LOT of money invested in permanent skin art, what’s a little more on the clavicles? ;)

freesia @ 11:36 PM | 2004/09/20

Two hours and ten bucks per show in tattoo cover-up? ;)

Dude. I bet you look hot. Want to come to the Hothouse readings tonight and show me?

mol @ 08:36 AM | 2004/09/21

Oh. Maybe that is hair.

casie @ 06:55 PM | 2004/09/21

yknow, if you get yourself a sharpie, you’d have one HELLUVA Halloween costume.

nenie @ 12:43 PM | 2004/09/22

I have LOTS of sharpies at work. I even have sharpie in my HAIR, since I missed a little spot. Crave was kind enough to draw on that piece of hair for awhile until it no longer looked like a mistake … of course, it’s starting to wash out. Goddammit.

As for covering stuff up, the sleeve tattoo hasn’t been a problem yet! I expected it to be an awful annoyance and as of yet, that is not the case. I would love to see you but I am broke as a joke, so I will probably be saving gas and staying home for awhile.

freesia @ 04:24 PM | 2004/09/22

I bet you look…mrrowr! pictures! we want pictures!

chorizo @ 04:43 PM | 2004/09/22

Seconding chorizo’s demand for evidence of the new even hotter and not created in Photoshop/Illustrator freesia

gms @ 08:53 PM | 2004/09/24