31 lipca 2004


Sorry for the radio silence, but this is for several reasons. They are …

1) I have been running at Greenlake every day this week. I am doing 5.6 miles a day, at least, and am gradually increasing the amount of that which is running (as compared to the amount of that which is walking). I am up to half and half, and I think this is good.

2) I have been scrambling to figure out a way to get to Nenie’s wedding. I’m gonna be a groomschica. This happens NEXT WEEKEND.

3) OMFG I got a cheapo guitar and am learning to play it! My fingers are tingly.

I am off to help my sweet Eween move into her new apartment. Happy Saturday!

Posted by freesia at 17:11
15 lipca 2004


Big day.

Big Thing Number One: After 12 years of pretending to be tougher than my own body’s chemistry, I finally started taking anti-depressants. First, I believed my stoic-farm-family’s hype - that depression wasn’t real, that it was an excuse, that I was making a big deal out of nothing and needed to learn to keep a “stiff upper lip”. Then, I became convinced that taking meds would give me “Eddie Vedder Syndrome”, and the moment the Prozac touched my bloodstream I would begin to make insipid art. In any case, I have finally given in. For better or worse, this is pretty momentous.

Big Thing Number Two: Oh my god. This big thing is so big - and yet so small - and still so remarkable to me that I can hardly wrap my brain around it. I got to be sort of present for one of the most amazing things in the world. I will give more details as soon as I am allowed …

Posted by freesia at 23:10