Summit Update
Late last night, Bailey was pushed into the pool by some of the other delegates. As he had never learned to swim, he was less than pleased. Innocent passersby were injured in the fray.
Orange Cat Feline Peace Summit 2004
In other news, major leaders of the feline community have been in important peace talks this week, negotiating treaties that will solidify relations between previously warring parties. While the details of these talks have not yet been made public, paparazzi have released several photos taken during the summit, which is still in progress.
Bailey is dubious that a satisfactory compromise will soon be reached
All delegates suffer fatigue from the long and emotionally wearing process
Calvin takes a break from his serious task to cavort in the pool
More information from the newsroom when it becomes available. Back to you, Bob!
feline hell
Bailey spent his first ever night at Crave’s last night. We tried to separate HIM from US with the result being that he meowed nonstop from midnight until four in the morning, when he finally made it over the barrier we’d erected and hid under the bed. He is still there.
In all our previous living situations, Bai-Bai HAD to be in the same room as me at night. It wasn’t an option. The litter box was in my room, his food was in my room, and above all his favorite snugglebunny was in my room. He was PISSED last night - and the fact that I sprayed him a couple of times when he was reaching cat-in-heat-volume (god, the poor neighbors) certainly didn’t help his happy level any. Ugh. So tired. Poor, patient Crave is so tired.
Thank God for Shavuot break. At least tomorrow - maybe - we can sleep in.
Thanks to my darling Eden for what is undoubtedly the best blog design I have ever had … and a HUGE thank you to Sean Sands for being not only an amazing artist, but a goddamn cool human being to boot. Maybe I’m not quite as pretty as his vector girl, but I can always dream.
This blog feels like home again.
a missed anniversary
What was I doing on May 4th? Obviously, it must have been important, because I completely forgot the THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of this blog. I’ve come a long way, baby … 564 entries, 1814 comments, and a hell of a lot of life happened in there. This journal has had a lot of different locations and incarnations, but I’m still writing. And whatever the quality of that writing may have been, I think that’s worth something.
Here’s what I was doing just over three years ago, and here’s a picture of the evening’s festivities. Next, here’s what I was thinking two years ago … sad to be losing one of my best friends, who just happens to be in town to drink with me tonight. Finally, here’s what was going on last year at about this time, also mentioning the elusive Nate. (What a coincidence.)
So, in the interest of consistency, here is what’s going on right now.
I am sitting in the apartment of the guy I love more than is probably healthy. The apartment that will soon be my apartment both in theory and in practice. The apartment that will house not only the two of us but also two ridiculously cute cats, two (Yes! Count them! Two!) computers, and a startlingly bipolar collection of music, film, and books. Spring has always been a time of rebirth and reinvention for me, and since I’ve already taken care of the annual blonding ritual, this was obviously next. ;) Crave is out winning money at poker, and I am on my way out the door to hang out with one of my favorite old friends. Despite being broke as a joke (as usual,) life is pretty fucking good. Also, not only is it the three-year-mark for my journal, but I have two other anniversaries to celebrate. Today marks NINE WEEKS since I last had a cigarette. And even better than that, yesterday was my 100-day-mark with Crave. 100 days ago we met, and we haven’t spent a day apart since. Some shitty shit has happened this week, but some really incredible stuff has happened too, and I am happy here in the middle.
Happy anniversary to me.
jesus h
Crazy, awful, insanely fucking surreal day at work yesterday. I might go so far as to call it the worst ever. I obviously can’t post too many details, due to the public nature of this site, but suffice it to say that it sucked the largest, hairiest donkeyballs imaginable.
After a long day of work, then I had a meeting where I had to make quite possibly the most uncomfortable, embarassing presentation of my life. One of those cheeks-burning, eyes-watering, stomach-churning things that I’ve only experienced in those nightmares where you show up at school naked.
After that, I had to go to rehearsal for two hours. Since it was RayRay and Jaeger and the long-lost Gautschi (WTF?), that was a fun time, but my brain still wasn’t where it needed to be.
Then, I went to En where Crave and his friend were bartending, and got pretty much totally fucked up. I felt like I deserved it. And the karmic retribution? NADA. I had a hard time falling asleep because the room was spinning, and yet I have made it through the entire today without a hint of hangover. This is pretty fucking sweet, and seems to me to be a sign of some kind. Of what, I’m not so sure.
And how are you out there? Oh - and do you know anyone who would be willing to sell me a reasonably nice computer monitor for REALLY FUCKING CHEAP? That would be good too.
AAAAAAAAnd we’re back!
Someone who means an awful lot to me mentioned the other day that my livejournal feels kind of alien to them, and that I need to get back to my blogging roots. YES, friends, the phoenix fondly known as my blog is about to rise from the goddamn ashes.
(Not only am I a sheep, I am a sheep that follows many shepherds. Ahem.)
I’m going to start backposting old lj entries here … so double-check for entries you might not have seen before. Plus, if I have an incorrect link for you on the right side - or no link at all - please post a comment HERE and let me know. Okay? Okay.
sensory overload
So, last weekend was the wedding. Watching the first person you ever loved get married is a pretty emotional experience. This, however, was mitigated a bit by the fact that they played the Muppets during the ceremony. Heh.
Crave and I had a great time. We packed snacks and we tried new food and we rented a car and we spent an entire day riding roller coasters and we patronized our motel’s pool and we ate lots of fast food and we talked about which cars we like and which cars we don’t and in short, it was a great fucking weekend. Crave is the best travel companion I have ever had, and I want to go on a million more vacations with him, starting immediately.
Unfortunately, once we got back, he got really sick. I was so scared by it that I called my mother in the middle of the night for reassurance, which is something I haven’t done in years. Thankfully, he seemed back on the way to being his normal rascally self this morning, which after last night was a big relief.
In any case, it’s spirit week at work and today is Pajama Day. All morning, I have been with ten two and three-year-olds, all wearing cuddly pajamas and stuffed-animal-head-slippers. It’s pretty surreal how fucking cute they are. Of course, in all the commotion, I forgot to wear my pajamas today. Which, in the grand scheme of things, isn’t such a big deal.
getting the fuck out of dodge
Crave and I are flying to L.A. for Mitch and Kim’s wedding tomorrow. I’ve been so bloody burned out at work that the idea of getting out of here for a few days makes me so happy that my cheeks start to hurt from the suppressed smiling. I am stark raving thrilled out of my fucking mind. w00t, w00t, w00t! Ok. Now that I have THAT out of my system …
I always forget to pack something important. What do you forget to pack when you go on vacation? What do you think I most especially need to pack, in order to endure watching my high school sweetheart marry a woman who (the last time I saw her) seems to think I am going to pull a My Best Friend’s Wedding and chase him down the street in a bread truck? All suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Have a ROCKIN’ weekend, y’all. See you soon …

I took the most accurate villain personality test
created by: The Arch Villainess Gracie
PARKING SPACE. Dude. I have never been quite so excited about the acquisition of anything in my life - especially the acquisition of something as nebulous as a stretch of concrete. I got up this morning, got ready, walked out to my car, opened the garage door, and drove to work - like a normal city-dwelling human being. I didn’t have to freak out about parking meters or dimes or quarters or parking tickets or being unsafe or anything. It was SWEET ASS.
We are going to try to acclimate the cats to each other over our lazy-day-vacation at the end of the month. Any suggestions for getting a 10-lb 4yo male cat (who already lives somewhere) and a 19-lb 4yo male cat (who DOESN’T) to get along peacably? Crave already has some ideas, but we’re definitely open. Personality-wise, they are pretty much nothing alike. One’s kinda rascally in a lovable-scoundrel kind of way, and the other one is a complete shameless attention whore. Come to think of it, that last part sounds a little like me and Crave. HAH!
Okay, back to the grind. I am sick of being sick, goddammit. Send us good vibes for getting over this shit before we go to L.A. this weekend. I don’t want snot flinging from my face while I’m riding roller coasters, ‘cause how nasty would THAT be?