17 maja 2004

AAAAAAAAnd we’re back!

Someone who means an awful lot to me mentioned the other day that my livejournal feels kind of alien to them, and that I need to get back to my blogging roots. YES, friends, the phoenix fondly known as my blog is about to rise from the goddamn ashes.

(Not only am I a sheep, I am a sheep that follows many shepherds. Ahem.)

I’m going to start backposting old lj entries here … so double-check for entries you might not have seen before. Plus, if I have an incorrect link for you on the right side - or no link at all - please post a comment HERE and let me know. Okay? Okay.

Posted by freesia at 14:00

Man, when you come back, you don’t kid around. Welcome back!

chaos @ 03:32 PM | 2004/05/17

Thanks, baby! This was all the stuff that I’d posted over THERE that I wanted to have over HERE. Pretty soon I will have internet access at home, which I think will make the whole tandem-blog-thing easier.

freesia @ 05:58 PM | 2004/05/17

Oh, something else of possible interest to you… there is a way to get posts on your blog to automatically post to your livejournal. I’m not sure of the specifics, but all the stuff you need is already available, so it’s just a matter of figuring it out for your blog/lj.

chaos @ 06:27 PM | 2004/05/17

WOO! WOO WOO! I missed you! Where the hell is your livejournal, anyway?

lizzieb @ 07:59 PM | 2004/05/17

See the giant link that reads “I Finally Succumbed…” on the right of her front page?

yukino @ 09:36 PM | 2004/05/17

Yeah, I know. I’ve got an XML feed going on, thanks to somebody or other … and then I’ve also got an account there which I can post through. Oh, that I could have the best of both worlds! But apparently that will never be the case. Stupid technology.

freesia @ 10:22 PM | 2004/05/17

Dang, thought you’d dropped off the planet! You never write, we never see you at parties, you don’t show up for meetings — it’s almost like you have a *sniff!* a LIFE!

Sounds like many exciting adventures are in the offing, glad to have you back.

THE COMTE @ 08:57 AM | 2004/05/18

HAH! What I have now is a /boyfriend/, which is both similar to and different from a life. ;)

freesia @ 10:27 AM | 2004/05/18