7 grudnia 2003

an open letter
i’ve got to believe it’s getting better
getting better all the time

Dear friends,

Thank you for all the sweet phone calls and emails the last few days. If I haven’t picked up or called back, it’s just because talking to people about this is hard and I don’t think I can. It doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it, because I do.

I don’t know what I would have done without Pwe, who held my hand and covered my eyes and drove my car and watched over my little girl that whole evening. She was the best friend to me that she could possibly have been. She knew all the right things to say to keep me from completely losing my mind and to help me find some peace, and I won’t forget it.

Love to my fat boys, who brought me a care package that made me cry. There are few things in this world that are not made better by bath salts and chocolate and Cosmo and Fighting Cock, and even fewer things that aren’t made better by the love of some great girlfriends. You are wonderful and I am really glad I have you in my life.

Last but not least, thank you to DJ. I wasn’t going to call him, but Pwe insisted, and he dropped everything to come over and take care of me when I needed him … and I really needed him. He (and his cat, who slept on my stomach several nights this week) watched over me all weekend, and I can’t even really express how much I appreciate it, or what a mess I would have been without him. He is a good boy.

So, here we go to another week. My heart still hurts, but I think you realize at times like this that there are people out there who really care about you, and who will have your back no matter what. It’s been a great reminder of how good a lot of things in my world really are.

Posted by freesia at 22:39

Glad to hear you’re okay, fat boy.

sjet @ 11:26 AM | 2003/12/08

Ohhhhhhh. (devilish laugh)

*wonders how Alicia is*
*hopes she is well*

silence @ 10:05 AM | 2003/12/12