it was a dark and stormy night
Last night, at about ten p.m., my dog was hit and killed by a car that didn’t even stop. A very nice man on a bike called my cell phone and stayed with her until Pwe and I could come to get her. Goodbye, Pi. It was nice to have you around.
10/19/2000 - 12/4/2003
AUTHOR: nenie
DATE: 12/05/2003 04:04:21 PM
That’s so tragic. I only got to meet her once.
So sorry that something so wrong had to happen to her.
(moment of silence)
My condolences, dear.
*long pause*
i’m so sorry, dear.
*tear rolls down cheeck*
I’m incredibly sorry, Alicia. I’ll be thinking about you guys.
Oh, God. Oh, Alicia. I am so sorry. Oh, honey.
Sorry about your dog. Seriously.
Normally I’d tell a story right about now.
But that hasn’t worked out too good the last couple of times I’ve tried it.
Still. That sucks.
Girl, I am so sorry. She was such a sweet and entertaining pooch.
Goodbye, Piper. Today I will herd air in your honor.