24 września 2003

… and there you have it

Quiz Me
Freesia spins tunes as
DJ Smoking Donkey

Get your dj name @ Quiz Me

Another possibility was DJ Vibrating Donkey. Who knew?

In other news, I’ve been cast in …and also fierce! Very exciting. I’ve never gotten to work with Fraulein Direktor in a theatrical capacity, so this should be fun. Let’s just say that the audition/callback process rocked my puny universe, and only strengthened my resolve to go back to my high school and teach an intersession on Performance Art. If six strangers (relatively speaking) can come up with a performance piece incorporating six different stories - containing a movement component - in fifteen minutes, then a class full of high school kids can most definitely come up with something presentable in a week. Not this January, but next January. It’s going to happen. They’re never going to know what hit them.

Posted by freesia at 22:49


i still need to figure out if i’m doing intersession this year or not

nenie @ 09:45 AM | 2003/09/25

Hm, if I put in my full first-and-last name, I’m DJ Dangerous Fang. But, if I use the shortened first name I’m DJ Pulsating Freak; if I use my full first name, it’s DJ Super Cream; if I use just the last name, it’s DJ Dirty Outlaw; and finally, if I enter my handle, I become DJ Phat Wang.

So many choices…

THE COMTE @ 11:47 AM | 2003/09/25

phat wang, tee hee.

mine’s dj hip fornication. how did it know?

sashafoo @ 11:59 AM | 2003/09/25

Cool dippings, girl!

Maybe by then I’d be available to help organize the details of the intersession for you! miss you.

julietta @ 03:22 PM | 2003/10/03