21 lipca 2003

weak end

Worst … birthday party … ever. I messed up big time, kids. Due to a sequence of stupid coincidences (most of which, for the record, were NOT my fault), things got screwed up so badly that I might have action taken against me. (Not of a legal nature, simply of a “Um, don’t teach with us anymore” variety.)

Went out with 2/3 of the other Fat Boys to shop for things for the missing 1/3. This resulted in us getting drunk and bleaching each other’s hair. I did Mol’s, and then she let me use the rest of her bleach to freehand-highlight my own head. Didn’t turn out too shabby, if I do say so myself.

Had my first experience getting a piercing stretched (by Robert, whom I love more and more every time I go in there). It was SO FUCKING GREAT. Let me tell you, it feels amazing - not just the stretching feeling, but also the new weight of the bigger jewelry. I want to go back and do it again. (Give it a try sometime.)

Ida is gone. Hot, sweaty, in a tanktop and sandals, with her hair in a ponytail. We’ll miss you, Ms. Sly. Come back soon.

Posted by freesia at 10:05


nenie @ 04:13 PM | 2003/07/21