27 marca 2003

when you get through the skin, through the muscle, slosh aside the organs, and get down to bone, you haven’t got all the way yet. There’s someting inside the bone - the marrow - and that’s what you gotta get at.

Just discovered this site today. And yes, before you go there, I’m in it. I met Vanessa at Union Garage, long ago when I was doing I (heart) Kant and she was performing with Pine Nuts. She asked me to do an interview, and I said yes - so sometime circa April of last year, I sent her a huge email answering a whole slew of questions. Her amalgamation of my words is posted on the site.

In more “What a small web-world” news, one of the other interviewees is the author of Eat, Drink and Be Married, which I hear is a site frequented by our nameless friend with the Titanium Smile.

As for my particular piece of the puzzle, if you’re just going to make a snide remark you don’t need to bother. I kind of can’t believe I’m posting the link here, but there it is. Come sniff my dirty laundry - because I think Vanessa’s work is important and I want to get the word out there. Tell your friends.

Posted by freesia at 12:44

Hey, you didn’t warn us that we might see pictures of people we know — nekkid! Aw geez, and I’m at work too!

I’ve been fighting the weight thing myself since before adolescence, but admittedly, negative body image isn’t nearly as prevalent in men as it is in women, even though some of us DO struggle with it nonetheless.

It’s a very insidious cycle; on the one hand, women are conditioned to conform to the generally unattainable image stereotype, while men are conditioned to hold up it up as the one they naturally prefer. Thus, both sides get locked into a vicious tailspin of unrealistic expectations, which just results in guilt, emotional and psychological disorders, and big $$ for the diet/exercise/body enhancement (i.e. plastic surgury) industries.

Dang! Now, I’m depressed! Well, when I get like this there’s only one solution — excuse me while I raid all the candy bowls in the office…

THE COMTE @ 02:20 PM | 2003/03/27

I really relate to a lot of what you (& others) said. It’s been very stressful going from a 2 to a 10 in just a few years. My friends have been instrumental in helping me accept my new self. I’ve had to face a lot of body issues I pretended I didn’t have. Thanks for the link; I look forward to seeing this when it arrives in L.A.

sashafoo @ 04:06 PM | 2003/03/27

Thank you for the link and telling your story to Vanessa. I think her site has helped many women with body image issues. The years my body changed were hell. I thought I was going crazy. BTW: Who is the nameless friend with the Titanium Smile?

missus_schmalzer @ 04:27 PM | 2003/03/27

Sashafoo - what a small world, that you can meet me randomly online and then maybe see a show using my words in your own hometown. Aah, the internet.

The nameless friend is a big fan of yours, but I didn’t want to “out” her. You know. ;)

freesia @ 07:42 PM | 2003/03/27