13 marca 2003

the end is in sight

Well, I’ve done it. I am officially no longer going to be working here as of the beginning of June. Okay, I’ll still be working here. Let me rephrase. I will no longer be occupying the same position(s) I am currently occupying as of the beginning of June. I just got hired this morning to assist for the day camps at Ye Olde Children’s Theatre. Woo hoo! Nearly full-time, all summer long, fun stuff with kids and theatre and science. Just my cup of tea. The teacher I will be assisting is one of my favorite people, but as s(he) hasn’t officially been offered the position yet, I cannot divulge his/her identity. Let me just say that it will probably be riotous. (Sssssh, Ida.)

So, pressure is off until August. THEN what the hell am I going to do?

Posted by freesia at 14:52

Huzzah for you! Again I say, “Huzzah!”

THE COMTE @ 04:25 PM | 2003/03/13

good work!

sven @ 03:28 PM | 2003/03/14


mlee @ 05:00 AM | 2003/03/17