10 marca 2003

finally see what it means to be living

WORD OF THE DAY (Pratt’s Dictionary of Non-Standard English)

topiary - (pron. TAUPE-ee-ary) n. a beige bird’s nest.

In other news, I have a new super-secret crush on a person I’ve known for a long time. Come to think of it, I’ve kind of had a crush on him all along, and have just realized it. It’s kind of fun crushing on more than one person at a time. (A girl’s got to have options.)

Tried to reconnect today with someone I’ve lost. I’m ready to be friends again. Of course, given how unfuckingbelievably bad our timing has been in the past, I don’t know why I think he’ll be receptive to it. Hope springs eternal, I suppose.

Holy shit, what a crazy busy weekend. Three performances, multiple phone problems, carting around a million props and costumes, sitting through more hours of theatre than I can even count or remember. Writing notes back and forth in the back of the theatre on our programs. Introducing friend from circle A to friend from circle B to friend from circle C. Sneaking in late. Sneaking out early. Making faces and clawing arms and crying at inopportune moments. Some really unexpectedly great stuff, and some that just wasn’t meant to be. And in the middle of it all, a few shining performances from people I love, which really made it all worthwhile. (Love to Imo and Kevin and Josh and Ida and Edly and Tim and Stacey and ChrisJ and MPMid and Daniel and NickO’D and Dietz and JPratt and the Baron for entertaining and inspiring me this weekend. You’re so pretty.)

How was your weekend?

Posted by freesia at 10:22