23 września 2002

halcyon and on and on…

Stage Door opened last weekend. God, what a great show. All-star cast, brilliant direction, and holy pete is the crew cute. Seriously.

Then, Saturday night was the huge housewarming/Heather’s birthday party. Thank you so much to all of you who came … I was a little worried about how many people we’d invited, but since it lasted twelve hours, people just popped in and out all day long. It was so nice to have the house filled with the people we love. It makes it feel more like a home.

Today, you wouldn’t even realize that there was a party. Everything is cleaned up, the six million beer and wine bottles have been taken out, everything is back to normal - with the exception, of course, of our plumbing system, which STILL isn’t working. Thank you, party people, for not being too upset when we told you not to flush. I guess that’s what happens when you live in an old house, sometimes. Of course, if you’re observant, you’ll notice that there are a lot of full wine bottles that weren’t there before … and there are still strings of lights and paper lanterns in the backyard, and there’s this gorgeous new grill and a pepper plant and a candle and a blue glass and brass hanging masterpiece in our living room. Everyone was so kind, and we couldn’t have been happier.

Special love to:

Sven - who was the winner of our Name our house! contest with his suggestion of “Halcyon House”.

Our friends at Drooping Acres - Jaye, Rick, Stephen, and Molly - for the gorgeous new grill that made me cry.

Brooke - who brought us a pepper plant, a candle, and white wine (because she knew I liked it better than red.)

John and Tristam - who came over even though it was two in the morning and they were tired. We were glad to be able to serve your glitter needs, even if the dragonfly glitterstamp did look like a flying penis.

Andrew - who came to the party at nine and actually STAYED in a house full of people he didn’t know until almost eleven when I got back.

You guys are great. See you all at our next party this weekend! (Just kidding.)

Posted by freesia at 8:34

A great name for the house, and a great song to be her theme.

swansong @ 11:17 AM | 2002/09/23

So okay see. I might still call it Phi Beta Cappa under my breath.

in other news, i would like to stick my tounge in the crew’s collective ear.

the end.

sonjet @ 01:05 PM | 2002/09/23

but see, if you DO call it that, I might have to rescind your tongue rights. It’s your choice, pumpkin, and frankly I’m in serious need of some good tongue, so I hope you choose wisely.

freesia @ 03:05 PM | 2002/09/23

but it amuses me so! and no one would have to know…

sjet @ 04:28 PM | 2002/09/23

Hmph. I still don’t like it. I mean, we could at least be … crap. That theatre sorority. I was part of it, sort of. Whatsitcalled.

freesia @ 04:52 PM | 2002/09/23

Ran into a lady wearing a big St. Olaf sweatshirt at Dunkin Donuts the other day. Does that mean something?

swansong @ 08:16 AM | 2002/09/24

wak! I missed the housewarming!
I can blame one of the following:
1)The post-opening brain crash,
2)poor housekeeping habits, resulting in a big pile of stuff on the table where I’m pretty sure the invite is hiding, or
3)Al-Qaeda operatives.

Sorry about the bruised shins last week, too…

chorizo @ 09:50 AM | 2002/09/24

JASON! Wak indeed!

How did I not know that you had a website? Am I a moron?

In any case, we missed ya. Plus, I had a dream that night that you were an alien who was terrorizing my neighborhood by jumping from house to house and impaling people on your long tentacles. Plus, Josh walked into the bathroom stall I was using and peed on me. (In this same dream.) I think little Alicia had a bit too much Zinfandel at her own party.

As for the shins - enh. I’m a tough girl, I can handle it.

freesia @ 10:23 AM | 2002/09/24