i’m a tie
Amazing. Now it’s your turn! See what Care Bear you are.
Good Luck bear was always my favorite. I used to keep him in my pocket (and a wooden buddha in my other pocket) when I was doing something which I thought required luck. I think I may have rub-a-dub-dubbed the shamrock right off his belly.
Fuck you, fuckball fuckbear. I got another tattoo, and if you don’t get one soon, you are a big wuss.
I was a 4 way tie.
How am I supposed to make sense of this?
is it like the 4 leaf clover reward of cosmo quizes?
Is it yet another sign of the coming apocalypse?
anyhoo… it’s all wrong… I’m Humbug Bear.
maybe the Care Bear Stare would work on all the wackos out there in the world…
i’m working on getting my belly good & ready.
p.s. on a side note- do you think we’ll ever be able to go on a double date again?!
Lor-Bear … I hope so. I miss those days.
I am NOT a wuss! I am just Poor-Bear.
Cheer Bear? Who the hell are THEY kidding?
Bed time bear! I didn’t even know such a bear existed. How awesome is that?
Oh, jesus. No, no, NO, NO, NO.
What were you, Negativity Bear?
no, she’s reverse orgasm bear
Hmm…Bed Time Bear. Guess sleeping in is the big kicker.
How in the hell did I become wish bear?!?!?!
Apparently I’m Good Luck Bear.
Go figure.
Of course you are…you’ve gotta have a close relationship with Luck, what with the knife-throwing and all. Right?
Entry: "cheese blog"
Excerpt: Some discussion recently with folks about finding your “blog voice.” Some people are more comfortable revealing deeply personal thoughts and…... [more »]
i have cheer bear
he was my favorite when i was a kid
he’s at my parent’s house somewhere…
i’m love a lot bear
“You’re a hopeless romantic. You’re probably the type to play matchmaker with all your friends. You love to be in love. And are a very loveable person.”
now THAT’S comedy