4 września 2002

i’m a tie



Amazing. Now it’s your turn! See what Care Bear you are.

Posted by freesia at 12:22

i have cheer bear
he was my favorite when i was a kid
he’s at my parent’s house somewhere…

i’m love a lot bear

“You’re a hopeless romantic. You’re probably the type to play matchmaker with all your friends. You love to be in love. And are a very loveable person.”

now THAT’S comedy

nenie @ 01:28 PM | 2002/09/04

Good Luck bear was always my favorite. I used to keep him in my pocket (and a wooden buddha in my other pocket) when I was doing something which I thought required luck. I think I may have rub-a-dub-dubbed the shamrock right off his belly.

freesia @ 01:41 PM | 2002/09/04

Fuck you, fuckball fuckbear. I got another tattoo, and if you don’t get one soon, you are a big wuss.

Erin @ 02:36 PM | 2002/09/04


I was a 4 way tie.

How am I supposed to make sense of this?

is it like the 4 leaf clover reward of cosmo quizes?

Is it yet another sign of the coming apocalypse?

anyhoo… it’s all wrong… I’m Humbug Bear.


Sven @ 04:05 PM | 2002/09/04

maybe the Care Bear Stare would work on all the wackos out there in the world…
i’m working on getting my belly good & ready.

lkd @ 04:59 PM | 2002/09/04

p.s. on a side note- do you think we’ll ever be able to go on a double date again?!

lkd @ 06:00 PM | 2002/09/04

Lor-Bear … I hope so. I miss those days.

I am NOT a wuss! I am just Poor-Bear.

freesia @ 09:10 AM | 2002/09/05

Cheer Bear? Who the hell are THEY kidding?

cranky @ 10:45 AM | 2002/09/05

Bed time bear! I didn’t even know such a bear existed. How awesome is that?

chaos @ 12:37 PM | 2002/09/05

Oh, jesus. No, no, NO, NO, NO.

Molly @ 01:12 PM | 2002/09/05

What were you, Negativity Bear?

freesia @ 02:06 PM | 2002/09/05

no, she’s reverse orgasm bear

nenie @ 06:46 PM | 2002/09/05


freesia @ 09:12 AM | 2002/09/06

Hmm…Bed Time Bear. Guess sleeping in is the big kicker.

Your Insatiable One @ 11:15 AM | 2002/09/06

How in the hell did I become wish bear?!?!?!

wings @ 08:06 PM | 2002/09/07

Apparently I’m Good Luck Bear.
Go figure.

Josh @ 04:51 PM | 2002/09/09

Of course you are…you’ve gotta have a close relationship with Luck, what with the knife-throwing and all. Right?

freesia @ 10:13 PM | 2002/09/09

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