5 sierpnia 2002
tuck’s medicated pads
I have 3 spare free tickets to see Tuck Everlasting on Wednesday.
Pacific Place.
Seven O’clock.
D’ya wanna go with me?
Posted by freesia at 17:00
Oh wait, I can’t. I’m seeing Rent instead. Because, you know, that’s the only reason I couldn’t see a show with you on 24 hours notice. :)
Sarah @ 07:51 AM | 2002/08/06
Show? Movie? What is this thing, anyway?
Sarah @ 07:51 AM | 2002/08/06
I will……oh, wait, I’m 1000 miles away. Damn.
Oh, well….some other time.
Apparently Laurel and Jim went to see your friends at the Loring Playhouse, though.
Libby @ 10:07 AM | 2002/08/06
Did they? That’s wonderful! I hope everyone goes. They’re so good.
freesia @ 10:22 AM | 2002/08/06