15 maja 2002
My housemate - the one
My housemate - the one I affectionately call “Slothboy” - burned down the Rendez-vous last night while Zach, Sonya, and Gillian watched. All day long, I joked that he had done it, and then got home and found out that it WAS him after all.
Also - today’s big “Hey, Thank You!” goes out to Zach, who not only took me out for yummy Thai, but also helped me hook up my TV and VCR, and then watched crappy TV with me, and then proceeded to give his yummy Thai doggy bag to me for my anxiously-awaited lunch in fifteen minutes. If I keep eating all this yummy yummy food, the whole “breakable” issue will be moot. Soon, I’ll be like those guys I told you about who have no necks.
Posted by freesia at 12:15