8 lutego 2002
Okay, it’s been a total
Okay, it’s been a total bizarro-day. I checked my email this morning, and found an email from Alyssa Barton, an administrative assistant who is currently temping, and who has a pug. We decided, on the phone, that we are living parallel lives, and we were really freaked out by the whole thing. I mean, ALYSSA BARTON, for crying out loud. I find it so funny that I’m still laughing about it, an hour later. Heh.
I now have 3 (three) appointments to look at houses! One in Fremont, one in Greenlake, and one in (gulp) Beacon Hill. (I don’t really want to live there, but she’s really nice, it’s cheap, there’s a yard, yada yada yada.) Maybe I’ll get this figured out after all.
Posted by freesia at 12:04
You hate what now?
freesia @ 08:27 PM | 2004/05/25
I hate this!!