I guess I was a
I guess I was a little cryptic yesterday. I’m not having the easiest time dealing with the idea, so I’m not so hot on being really blunt about it, but at this point I need all the help I can get. So, what I meant was, Billy and I are not going to be living together anymore. I’m moving somewhere with one hunk of puppylove, and he is moving somewhere else with the other one. No more living in sin. No more cohabitation. At least … not for awhile. Anyway, I’d still appreciate any suggestions - if you have a friend of a friend of a friend who has a room opening up in three weeks and they aren’t deathly allergic to dogs, etc etc. Drop me a line!
In a way, it’s sort of comforting. For the last ten months, I’ve spent every waking moment of free time online, checking the classifieds (for jobs). Now that I have a job, it’s nice to still have something productive to do with myself when I don’t have any jobstuff to do. AND, since I’m not working on a show right now, I have PLENTY of time to research and obsess. I mean, it’s actually kind of fun. I’ve lived with at least one roommate since I was thirteen. (As in - one roommate IN THE SAME ROOM.) Having my very own room? Picking out my own food? Decorating as I please? Having total control over when bills get paid? The idea is actually sort of thrilling … since I’ve never done it before. EVER. My one regret - as far as getting into a serious long-term relationship while still in college - was that I would never learn to be REALLY independent, and I would never get to live the rockin’ life of a girl my age out doing shit on her own. Yeah, me. I’m gonna kick some ass. OR, at least, I’m going to make a really good show of it.