30 lipca 2001

it’s bittersweet, more sweet

it’s bittersweet, more sweet than bitter, bitter than sweet

I finally have net access at work! Hooray!
On the downside, it is blindingly, mind-numbingly slow. It took me THREE MINUTES to LOAD YAHOO.
But, it’s better than nothing.

My 5-year high school reunion was this past weekend. I was so desperate to go… I started talking about it in January, making plans and getting so excited about it. I know most high schools don’t have a five year, but… my high school was a little different. I went to the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, the nation’s only three-year residential high school for students gifted in mathematics and science. (I was a tour guide there for two years, I used to know the whole spiel - mission statement and all.) I hated college - but high school was seriously the best time of my life. Basically, all the geeky smart kids who never had any friends were suddenly stuck together en masse, and we all said “hey, everyone here is like us! That’s pretty cool!” I went from being a geeky little shy kid to this HUGE social butterfly in the span of a month. I went everywhere, did everything, kicked more ass than I have before or since. It may seem odd to say that I was the most “myself” during high school - but when you leave home for what is basically like REALLY INTENSE college at the age of 12/13/14… we all grew up pretty fast. I really wanted to see everyone - out of a class of just under 200, almost 80 people were supposed to be going, and then at the last minute we realized that we just couldn’t afford to go. It totally broke my heart, on top of which I was just pissed off, because Bill got to go to his NTI (National Theatre Institute) reunion in April (he was there fall ‘99) and I didn’t get to go to my five-year. I’ve been feeling REALLY REALLY bitter about the whole thing. So, anyway. My friend Josh posted some pictures from the weekend, and I stole them, so here they are.

Posted by freesia at 11:55