20 lipca 2001

blatantly, shamelessly stolen from Pamala

blatantly, shamelessly stolen from Pamala

A week or so ago, I ripped off Pamala’s “how well do you know me?” quiz, and sent it to all of my best friends from high school. So far, only one of them has responded, so here it is. Yay, Julia! You win the big prize. ( I don’t know what that is yet.)
Format, just so’s you know…
Response to answer

Julia takes a stab at me

1. My name?
Alicia Dawn Barta


2. Where did we meet?
IMSA, Integrated Science class.
hm… was Integrated first and second period sophomore year? You know,I think you may be right.

3. Take a stab at my middle name:
did already.
yeah, but have I ever told you the story?
My uncle Don made my mom promise, at a family reunion, that her child would be named after him - even if it was a girl. ;) So, the story she tells NOW is that her compromise was to change the spelling. BUT, I kind of suspect it was a name she really liked, and she’s just placating my uncle. (And then, when Brandon was named, the whole cycle started all over again.)

4. How long have you known me?

8 years in aug.

5. How well do you know me?
i always ask myself that. =)
Pretty fucking well, considering how little we see each other. Better than most people… especially the past year or so.

6. Do I smoke?
yeah. the question is what =)
ha, ha, ha. Of course, now that I’m stage managing, I’m smoking like a chimney again - but only during rehearsals. Not so good for the lungs, folks. *sigh*

7. Do I believe in God?

yeah. the question is which =)
/I/ don’t even know the answer to this question - your guess is as good as mine.

8. When you first saw me what was your impression?
cute, fun, like me in many ways… not implying i was cut and fun… that was in addition to, or something.
I used to love sitting in Am Stud and watching you - you seriously seemed to have a better time in there than just about anyone. You were just so HAPPY all the time, it seemed… of course, I sat at a table with Israel Tapia-Paramo and Luqman Ashasheed (sp?) so I was probably feeling a little jaded and bitter in comparison. We were SUCH bitches in that class. They probably weren’t the best table-mates… all we did was sit in class and make fun of people. We did NO work at all. I’m actually pretty shocked I passed that class.

9. My age?
13? just kidding. I believe, if my memory serves me right, you’d be 21.
Nope - sorry!

10. Birthday?

dec. 12, 1979
Right date - wrong year. I was actually born on 12/12/78. I’m younger than you, yes… but not quite /that/ much.

11. Color hair?
depends. naturally dishwater blonde. (mousy blonde I think is how you described it to me once.)
yup. I hate it. Right now, it’s medium golden brown with pale blonde chunks. You’d like it.

12. Color eyes?
Blue, yes. Green, occasionally. Mostly they’re kinda blue-gray.

13. Do I have any siblings?

yes. brother. brandon.
true. He’s taller than I am now. His voice is deeper than my dad’s. He’s going to be driving soon. Pretty scary.

14. Have you ever had a crush on me? hehehe.
or Have you ever been jealous of me? god, do i really have to answer this?
yep. heh heh heh. (Of course, I think I can guess at the answers. Maybe they’re the same as my answers for you?)

15. What’s one of my favorite things to do?
snuggle. with pups, boy, or the friends.
That would definitely fall into my top five list.

16. Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you?
nope. do you?

17. What’s my favorite type of music?
true, true.

18. What is the best feature about me?
spontenaity driven by a fear of becoming or being mediocre.
ooooh. You’re very eloquent - I would like to think that you’re right.

19. Am I shy or outgoing?
both. depends on the situation.
yup. Hit the nail on the head there.

20. Would you say I am funny? .
yesh. =)

21. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules?

again, both. depends on the situation… wether you’d like to admit it or not.
I’m a total corporate whore right now. I admit it.

22. Would you consider me a friend?
Thanksh, again.

23. Would you call me preppy, slutty, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else?
all the above, except sporty. =) really.
Oh, man. I got slutty, but not sporty. Who’d’a thunk? ;)

24. Have you ever seen me cry?
about half a million times.
probably more than just about anyone but Bill.

25. If there were one good nickname for me what would it be?
i think we had a list a mile long about five years ago. =) my favorites: INez and shiggy.
I don’t have one right now… except “Barta”. And a lot of people here call me “sweets” which I think is pretty cool.

26. Are my parents still together?
unlike some of us, yes.
It’s weird, every dream I’ve had in the past month or two has involved my parents being divorced. I’m not quite sure what I think about that.

That’s it? I wanted more questions!!! =)
hey, do you want to make more up?

Posted by freesia at 9:17

I came across this page after doing a google search on “Israel Tapia Paramo”. I used to know him from the web a while back. What are his whereabouts these days?

Utpal Lahiri @ 03:42 PM | 2002/10/01

you know, I don’t have any idea. I last saw him in June of 1995 when he graduated … but if you find out, let me know!

freesia @ 09:14 AM | 2002/10/02

Am Stud….I guess none of us felt good about it; everyone had their reasons.

Israël Tapia-Páramo @ 08:37 AM | 2004/02/18

Hey, I never said I didn’t ENJOY my table. ;) We just weren’t as … hm … excited about life as Julia was. D’you think that’s a fair assessment?

And how the hell ARE you, anyway? I haven’t seen you in, what - nine years?

freesia @ 03:57 PM | 2004/02/18