20 lipca 2001

I stab back 1. My

I stab back

1. My name?

Julia Marie (Maria? ;) Sibley
marie. you got it. =)

Alicia sez: at our high school graduation, she was announced as Julia Maria Sibley. I thought it was really funny. [sheepish face]

2. Where did we meet?

Mr. Guest’s sophomore American Studies class?
i think i.s., but maybe you’re right. is starting our day one year and
ending it another. i’m thinking it ended it soph year…. *shrug*

Alicia sez: Oh… yes. Okay. It was 8th and 9th period ‘93 - ‘94, and it was 1st and 2nd period ‘94 - ‘95. This would mean that we met… in American Studies, because it was second period, first semester ‘93. Right? I think? I remember Jaime Wendorf and Caitlin Creed sitting at my table junior year, and Jaime would seriously say “fuck this” and go to sleep on the floor,where Dosch would just step over her. It wasn’t a good idea for us to all be so disillusioned with it, be stressed out juniors, AND move it to first and second. Not smart at all.

3. Take a stab at my middle name:
Grandmother? You know, I have no idea.
actually it sounded good. i had no idea about yours… that’s kind of funny… =)

4. How long have you known me?
Well? Five years. Known? Eight years.

5. How well do you know me?
Often much better than I think.
i think the feeling’s mutual…

6. Do I smoke?
Sometimes, when you think no one is looking, but not so much now that you’re singing again
last time i smoked was in january. i was drunk and had a few drags. before that, i honestly don’t remember when, but …; take that back. November. end of. datya and I broke up right before he left town and I had a whole cigarette just to vent and to piss him off. before that, it had been a LONG time.

7. Do I believe in God?
Yes, definitely, although maybe not exactly the same God that the Methodist church believes in.
heh. true.

8. When you first saw me what was your impression?
Wow, she’s such a hick. I haven’t seen anyone wear a peasant blouse like that since eighth grade. (hehe)
thanks. =)
Alicia sez: 14-year-olds can be way bitchy. Especially really insecure ones.

9. My age?

10. Birthday?
January twenty somethingth, 1978. D’oh. I have to go look it up.
jan 27, 1978.

11. Color hair?
blonde at heart, dark blonde in practice.
i’ve been contemplating this one all night…. i think you’re right, but i’m not sure yet. =)

12. Color eyes?
Kinda hazel-y, right?
green. close enough. =)

13. Do I have any siblings?
Myra, Ashley, and Melissa. 19, 16, and… 10?
you go girl! … soon (a few years?) Travis, 22. Step bro doesn’t count.

14. Have you ever had a crush on me? yes
or Have you ever been jealous of me? yes
yeah, mine are the same as yours. when and why were you jealous of me?
i honestly don’t know.

Alicia sez: Probably the same reason you were jealous of me, for a long time. Little did we know, eh?

15. What’s one of my favorite things to do?
Play hostess. Sing. Dance, whether salsa or a nice tango to “The St. Louis Blues”.
i refuse to dance salsa now. sing, play hostess, definately right up there. =)

16. Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you?
Not even vaguely.

we’re even then. =)

17. What’s my favorite type of music?
Musicals, musicals, musicals… as well as a million other things.

18. What is the best feature about me?
For Julia: This awesome resilience that eventually bounces you back from everything, even if it takes awhile.
For Alicia: being able to just yak away whenever we talk, no matter how long it’s been in between.
man, that makes me schmarmy inside. =)

19. Am I shy or outgoing?

Exuberant, effervescent, and wary.
wow. I’d like to put that on my resume. =)

20. Would you say I am funny?
Oh god yes, and often not on purpose!

21. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules?
Model Girl Scout with occasional moments of Maureen.
*grin* I was listening to RENT the other day. I think I’m growing up some…. *terror*
Alicia sez: Julia once took off across the country - from Northern Illinois to NYC - to audition for Rent. She made the decision in a matter of hours, and just… LEFT. At the time, I thought she was going to get killed, but in hindsight I realize how ballsy it really was.

22. Would you consider me a friend?


23. Would you call me preppy, slutty, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else?
do you want to write my resume? =)
(i was boring for your reply. Let me ruminate over it)

24. Have you ever seen me cry?
Yup. I sure have.
top three peopele to cry in front of, don’t much in front of anyone else EVER:

25. If there were one good nickname for me what would it be?

um. um. Julie? Oh, not what IS it but what WOULD it be? hm. Marilyn?
There was a time when it was Estelle, but I don’t like that one so much.
why not? I sometimes think about it and i laugh histericaly. I don’t know if there was more estelle in julia or more julia in estelle.
Alicia sez: Hm. I think maybe I associate the “No Exit” nicknames more with the negative facets of the characters than the positive ones. As a matter of fact, when I think about it, I don’t really see much of anything positive about them. Maybe this is just the way I’m remembering the experience, but I would much rather call you something that envokes more of a… complimentary tone. Y’know what I mean?

26. Are my parents still together?
you’ve got that one right.

I thought that was pretty damn good. Not too many wrong!

I’ll post my screwy dream later. It included Bill, Guy Pearce, Bruce Hall, Ryan, Erica Muller’s little sisters, Brian Cudiamat, and Mr. Bill.
It’s broken my brain.

Posted by freesia at 9:16

hey, can we delete this post? privacy and all… thanx. -j.

julietta @ 07:16 AM | 2005/11/01