14 maja 2001

The search for the cursed

The search for the cursed pyramid left them dirty and thirsty

Saturday was Salon, Salon … my anniversary! Right at the beginning of our time in Seattle, Gillian invited Bill and me to the Salon, Salon that was happening then. (This was.. September? October?) Bill and Gilly barely knew each other - they had just begun teaching together, and we sort of went on a whim, since we didn’t know a soul. Because of that first Salon, Salon, I met Gillian, Tricia, Steven, Ben, Matt, Sonya, Sibyl, AJ, Chris Dietz, Tim Gouran, and more people I’m sure I’ve forgotten. While at the party, I signed my name in the guestbook, and jotted a note saying I’d love to volunteer for crew. Because of that note, Heather called me when they needed an ASM for The Sizemore Interviews. Because of Sizemore, I found out about auditions for Pearl, and was cast. Because of Pearl, I just continued meeting people, and so by this Salon, Salon, six months later, I knew everyone. What a bizarre, fun-filled six months it’s been.

So, Saturday morning, Jaye calls me, and we head for Pike Place Market. We buy every type of fruit and veggie under the sun, and head back to the maison de Jaye/Steven/Rick to play Martha Stewart all day. We make spreads, fruit boxes, fruit skewers… it was a whole day of kitchen craziness. So, at the end of the day, Heather showed up to help us finish off the skewers, and we headed off to Annex to get stuff pretty. Basically, the whole rest of the evening was just a reminder of why I love working with Annex folk so much. Hours and hours of drunken debauchery, cross-dressing, kissing, singing, and laughing.

Blips and pieces from Salon, Salon…

Tim Sanders and Jarrod Fenner looking like extras from “Velvet Goldmine”
Pamala drunkenly siren-ing from the “Queen” chaise lounge …
accompanied by Stephanie playing the banjo
Getting down and dirty with Heather while Bill watched
Being “Tim Sanders”ed by Tim Sanders
Being propositioned by Jarrod
Getting love from Edly
Competing in the Olympic Ribbon-Dancing event with Susanna(h?)
Scheduling a brunch date with Gilly
Going a whole night with three safety pins in my cleavage, and not getting injured
Finally finding those elusive strappy heels that are comfy enough to dance in

Posted by freesia at 19:24