February 19, 2003

Clean walking

Wiped the floors today for my living room and hallway. There's something viscerally satisfying about just cleaned hardwood floors. Went ahead and reorganized my desk a bit as well. Excellent.

Another thing that rocks about getting my desktop working again is that it unstalls a couple other things. I'm toying around with starting another project as well... I'll do a little research first though.

On a slightly sadder note, my godfather's cancer has taken a significant turn for the worse (his recovery had been remarkably good the past several months) a few days ago. He's started a two-week stint of some pretty harsh medicine. I had dinner with them as usual today, which was quite good (also as usual). I could tell he was quite weak though (comparable to right after his first and second sessions of chemo many moons ago). I'm keeping my fingers crossed for things to improve in a couple weeks.

Ok, I think I'll look over some game tape and then head off to bed. [04:28]

Posted by mlee at February 19, 2003 11:59 PM
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