So I got back from practice earlier tonight. This was our first practice with a new bassist. (For those who don't know, we asked our old bassist to leave over the holidays and thus the search for a replacement has begun.) She only got the material yesterday, but so far seems to have a pretty good handle on it. So it seems we may become YABWAHCB (yet another band with a hot chick bassist) -- heh. You'd almost think we are trying to indie-fy ourselves with each passing second.
Speaking of hot chicks, is it me or is every date-worthy (read: interesting, or at least seemingly so) girl in this post-college era either married or already in a long-term relationship? I don't really believe that -- it was part of a theory advanced by an interesting friend of mine -- but you'd think I'd see more counter-examples of this. Actually, maybe I do believe it and just don't want to believe it. Who knows? Anyone capable of shedding any light on this odd topic?
Meanwhile, I appear to have a leaking tire -- which based on inspection and empirical observation seems to be due to a slightly dented rim. This goes on the list of things to take care of tomorrow. Good night. [04:21]
I have officially caught up with people's blogs. It must have taken a week, but I finally did it. Anyway, that's it for the moment.
I have to go over to Fet's and snarf up a greasy-ass, yummy Portillo's Italian beef/sausage he brought down for me. Also, I picked up a toy today for the purposes of doing some video editing... As for the weekend, got some bridge planned and Vince is throwing a party. Woo!
Ok, better get running. Mmm, fresh laundry.
Hi all. A new year begins, and I hope it is a good one for all of you. It's hard to believe that 2002 is gone already -- life certainly hasn't slowed down over the years. I suppose I'll let 2002 mull around a bit in my mind before I do a retrospective.
I'm sure it wasn't hard to notice that I haven't posted in a while. I have done a bit of traveling in the interim, betwixt much time-wasting -- things which have put a number of things churning through my head. I've also been thinking about what I really want from this blog, as well as what's appropriate/desirable to post considering that purpose. More on that as I get going.
Meanwhile, I've made a decision recently. I'm a sort of person that really hates doing things inefficiently (I won't get into what exactly that means at the moment), so I really dislike doing things that are deemed pointless. [Ok, I'll re/write this section shortly -- I have to get going right now though]
Thanks to those who have taken time to check on me during my absence, and my apologies for not having anything for the dedicated readers! Take care, and I'll be seeing more of you. Peace and prosperity.