Biked today. A good 35.44 mile trek out on the open country roads with M and R. Ran into a Frito Lay plant as we were about to start heading back home.
A beer/chill outing was being thrown around for this weekend with L and S, but I haven't heard any definite plans. I guess I'll try and track them down tomorrow and see if it's really happening. If not, I think I'll just have to grab them one of these nights impromptu - this planning thing with them doesn't seem to be working lately.
It appears it'll be another two weeks before band practices start up again. I need for myself to get a good session on "tape" and an at-least-promising gig out of this soon. Financial crunch time (and professional restlessness) is starting to set in, and it's time to start seriously considering doing a "real" job instead of all this consulting bullshit. I want to keep this band a priority -- especially considering all the time I've put into it so far -- but I need these to feel it's worth being a constraint and not just a bonus.
It's kind of lonely in some ways. There's something special about the soft touch of breath, holding someone secure in a safe haven, playful and unabashed sharing of space. Securing a head on another. Breathing in sync. Hand over heart. Asleep against your shoulder. Random acts of appreciation. Trust. Knowledge of weaknesses. Touch. Then there's not having these things. I miss the simple things. Sometimes remembering is not a choice.
During the past two weeks, I felt blogging and I weren't likely to mix well. Being stuck in a rut sucks. Now we're back together again though. Thanks for the patience. [02:18]
Posted by mlee at September 28, 2002 11:59 PM"Ran into a Frito Lay plant as we were about to start heading back home"
Was anyone hurt? :)