September 7, 2002

Talk n' Edit

I'm dead tired, but I'll just mention that I spent the better part of the last 5 hours or so getting to know J (no, not that J ;), this one's Scott's J) with Mark. It was a very fun time. It's really cool when people you know marry (are SOs with, etc) good, smart, loving people.

It added some insight into Scott for me as well.

I'm an editing man...
I took the liberty of editing the last entry just a few moments ago. After a comment by Mark, I realized I wasn't communicating my thoughts exactly as intended in my prior entry. I don't know if protocol dictates that I should behave otherwise, but I decided to answer that question later. Thoughts anyone?

Incidentally, I've decided to never post new entries from within lynx again (unless I absolutely must anyway). It's just not a tool that encourages making minor edits while composing prose. Peace, all. [08:27]

Posted by mlee at September 7, 2002 11:59 PM

I find no crime in revising an entry to clarify or solidify ideas, or to improve readability or flow. As long as you don't use it to rewrite history or weasel out of something everyone knows you said, I'm fine with it. :)

Posted by: yukino at September 10, 2002 2:18 AM

J enjoyed it a lot as well; she commented on it later that evening. She'd hang out more, if only I could get Scribblix to look at its own included libraries....

Posted by: swansong at September 13, 2002 11:46 AM
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