September 1, 2002

Paradigm shift

Well, here's the deal. I've had some sporadic results with using the blog as a vehicle for capturing things I consider relevant or useful. Perhaps amazingly, this is not due to lack of inspiration or anything to post about. In fact, I not only have the opposite problem (an abundance of things to post about), but I think it's actually causing my post dearth. I keep feeling like I need a good chunk of time to devote to a particular topic/entry, so I put it off. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Needless to say, this isn't the first time this sort of thing has caused problems in my life. I was actually hoping the blog would help me in this plight, because it would allow me to capture things, which in turn eases up the mental pressure of having to keep track of everything that I haven't done something about. Voila, better life right? The same reason I started carrying around a notepad and pen with me. This helped remarkably well, but I have fallen out of using it regularly in recent months.

Well, time to get back to the roots. I've decided that I will start posting at least an entry every day (or at least seriously try), regardless of whether I have a subject I'm "ready" to tackle or not. Some entries may suffer from eliding or time constraints or even not being well thought out enough. I accept that, and hopefully it won't make this blog less interesting for the rest of you. I'll still have special "non-daily" posts too, of course.

As always, feedback is appreciated and of course I'll consider any suggestions people make. Hmmm, I wonder if I should attempt a two-blog system like Liz does. Anyway, this (the above, not the 2 blogs - yet anyway) is my plan, and it goes into effect starting today. Enjoy the ride!

Posted by mlee at September 1, 2002 9:40 PM

Huzzah! And in November, maybe you can write a novel this year instead of "percolating." :)

Posted by: yukino at September 2, 2002 1:57 AM

I highly recommend the blog/journal system. People who don't want to read self-obsessed blather of mine can read the things I try to really write, friends can read everything they want, and I don't feel quite as guilty if I put topics off for a while and let them percolate -- there's always little bits of interesting stuff (interesting to me, anyway) to write about.

Posted by: lizzieb at September 3, 2002 4:45 PM

See, here's the crux. I very rarely post ANYTHING in the true spirit of a blog. It's all internal, be it introspective or chronicle — in my eyes, that's still "journal". I've actually been scratching my head about liz's journal-vs-blog distinction, and until the most recent post, I couldn't really figure out where it lay.

As for me, what blog entries do I have? Cyberkitty. A doctor going to jail. That's about it. The rest is me is either sharing my life &mdash journal &mdsah or ruminating on it &mdash journal, and something that some people have been hinting should not even be on an online site.

Again, as I said recently in another blog, it's up to your spirit. Do as that moves you, and don't overanalyze it, so that the truest you comes to light. Isn't that what this is all about?

Posted by: swansong at September 4, 2002 12:08 PM

Of course, it would help if I could spell entities correctly — and remember that they terminate in a semicolon. (Sorry.)

Posted by: swansong at September 4, 2002 12:09 PM

the two sites have very different purposes -- writing-wise, audience-wise, and content-wise.

my blog's not really a "blog" either -- but I think the definition (mostly links) is pretty lame and limiting.

Posted by: lizzieb at September 4, 2002 4:09 PM
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