August 15, 2002

A long night in Tokyo

Went out with my mom, brother Alex, and Euni and Bob yesterday for some random shopping. Later, we were joined by our dad for suit fitting and one yummy dinner. I promptly crashed afterwards. Woke up at around 4am here and will probably have a day full of stuff today (later) too. My mom has lined up a bunch of appointments for me while I'm out here. I think I'm going to see a sleep specialist/analyst at 9:30 this morning. Should be interesting...

Pulling out the stops

Anyway, what I really need to find out is this: Does anyone know anyone in Tokyo that I can spend the night of Monday the 19th with? In order to get a reasonable price on my ticket, I needed to schedule a stopover there. Only problem is, I don't know anyone offhand that's there now. So if you do, please let me know or have them contact me! I would be mucho, mucho appreciative - I'd rather not sleep in the airport =)... (don't know if you even can anymore)

Posted by mlee at August 15, 2002 4:19 PM

I have arrangements now, thanks to my IMSA network. Basically I was hoping to find someone more my age (within a few degrees of separation) before asking my parents for their connections. Looks like I got my wish - though the people I'm staying with are friends of friends of friends at best =). This should prove interesting...

Posted by: mlee at August 17, 2002 8:06 PM
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