July 28, 2005

Here's something that I envision happening in "Office Space" or some similar situation:

I am at work - looking for an escape from the foolishness and stupidity that seems to have overcome my work life. I stop at a vending machine for some Skittles, which I had a weird craving for at that moment. It was 60 cents, so I put in 2 quarters and 1 dime. It rejects my dime. So, I put in another dime, it rejects it. I put in a third (and last) dime, and it rejects it. I engage the change release and attempt again. Again it is met with failure. During these times, I have a question in the back of my mind, "Why is the change so cold now?"

I then put in 3 quarters, which it accepts. I choose my Skittles and a message comes up asking for exact change. Well, shoot, you're rejecting my exact change and my non exact change. Well, I engage the change release and again the change is cold. So I take a look at the quarters and noticed they were not the ones I had on me originally. Then it hits me - I can cycle through the quarters and see if I can get the states I am missing.

So, after some time, I make out with a California and an Oregon. I think I'm caught up on 2005 now. If that is the case, I'm only missing Ohio. And, I now have a way of fishing for the quarters I am looking for :)

Posted by haglund at 2:54 PM

July 19, 2005

I love "News of the Weird":

(1) The support group for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Nelson, New Zealand, announced that it would support in principle the illness-publicizing International Awareness Day on May 12 even though its members would probably not participate in the commemorative activities because they are often too tired for such things. (2) The Rotary Club of Chatham, New Brunswick, announced in May that the grand prize in its raffle to help build a new environmental awareness center would be a Hummer. (3) Federal agents who were interviewing Gerald T. Williams, 34, about possible child pornography at his home in St. Louis, said that in the course of the interview, a screen saver featuring child-sex images happened to appear on Williams's computer. (Williams pleaded guilty in June.) [Nelson Mail, 5-11-05] [Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 6-22-05] [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 7-1-05]

Posted by haglund at 3:42 PM