June 4, 2004

Well, the layoffs have come.

Our department only lost one (thankfully). He was going to go back to Thailand in Septemeber anyway, so this just moves his timetable up a little.

My former manager has been redesignated as an engineer and I beleive will be taking on the project management crap that I was doing earlier. We'll see what turns out.

Posted by haglund at 2:57 PM

Movie review for Signs:

I enjoyed that it was one of those movies were everything had meaning. It gave those who pay attention to details something to enjoy. Although, being tired, I probably wasn't quite as attentive as I usually am when watching a movie.


However, I have to ask just how moronic those aliens were. They made such fundamentally stupid errors, that one has to wonder how they managed to survive long enough to gain interstellar travel.

Appearantly water is bad for them. So, what do they do? They raid a water planet!@ Come on, water is so abundant, it falls from the sky!!!! Why would Earth be worth the trouble to visit, if it would cause them so much trouble? Ok, so they are desperate for whatever it was they sought. They should have the technology to develop some form of environmental suit to exist on Earth without problem. Us primatives can even accomplish that!

And, what's with the lack of using technology?? Perhaps the premise was they were afraid to have the technology used against them. Ok. But to go purely with hand to hand??? They could have at least brought bladed weapons or projectile weapons.

Lastly, these beings are supposed to be intelligent. And yet, they seem to display a remarkable lack of understanding on how to use tools.

Posted by haglund at 2:55 PM