Got a chance for a little break today. Decided to watch 28 Days Later.
What a piece of donkey shit.
Tip #1 Don't pay to watch this.
Luckily I did not.
Tip #2 If you feel compeled to watch it, watch the first 10 minutes, and the last 10 minutes.
The remaining 100 minutes can be summed up in one paragraph:
Guy meets girl and other guy. Guy convinces other to go to his p's house. Guy finds p's dead. Sleepover. Token guy gets infected, girl kills him. Guy and girl mosey around. Find dad and daughter. Dad gets transmissions of military outpost. Company go for a ride. Some light scares, and fun. Group gets to Mancester. Dad gets infected, killed by British troops. Troops take group to base. Girls are the main attraction (if you know what i mean). A couple troopers decide to kill those who keep them from women - including guy. Guy gets away and stages ambush. Goes back to base and releases infected prisoner. Mayhem ensues, guy kills some, infected gets others, and group gets away. Guy is shot in the process.
Watch token last 10 minutes.
That is the movie in it's entirety. The synopsis is far more entertaining than actually sitting through the movie.
Weekend: big shower failure.
Work: busy. Get to work 20 hours on Friday, followed by 12 hours on Saturday, and then work again Monday night. I get to repeat next weekend.
And the weekend on 6/5.... and 6/12 (but no Monday night for those weeks)
That leaves only 4 projects left on the schedule thru July......
Amybe when not busy (sometime in July???) I can update on the shower and such.
Oh, new sprinkler system today. New planter beds next week.
7500 get laid off in June. Yay... layoff number.... 10? 11? I lost track