Just some random babbling....
A little philosophical:
If there happen to be an infinite number of parallel universes, each containing a diversion from each other of one choice that was made, does that mean that each universe has a set script to it already in place? That is to say, is everything that will ever happen already preordained? Are we just watching events unfold that were already scripted for us, rather than exercising any real choices?
Does a new universe spring out of each choice we make?
I wonder if the universe is like a record, can it behave like one? Are there mechanisms to rewind, fast forward, stop, etc? Can it be bumped and be made to skip a few tracks?
It's a topic I am curious about since I learned about Conservation of Matter. If matter can not be created or destroyed, how did everything that is happen? If it can not be created, then matter must have always been there. Which, of course, raises the question, where did matter originally come from?
I guess it holds the same sort of mystique as the nature of god/higher power/what have you.
Nova had recently showcased a mini on string theory. In it, a discussion on how string theory needs to have something like 11 (12?) dimensions. An idea that we are part of a multiverse - set of parallel universes - was brought up. It suggested that perhaps there were a multitude of universes, sort of like multiple slices to a loaf of bread. It was also suggested that perhaps these universes can oscillate, causing a number of collisions - perhaps a repeatable event - which causes a terrific outburst of energy. That would be the Big Bang.
If the multiverse is like a loaf of bread, then there is a set number of slices to it. How is that determined?
Again, I wonder. How did everything come to be?
It seems that some-thingness has been created out of nothing-ness.
And who says there is no magic?
BTW, if there is any interest in seeing The Elegant Universe that was on Nova, here is the link.
Just watched The Matrix: Reloaded.
Overall score: C-
I actually came out feeling disappointed I spent money to see this. It strikes me that this movie was orginally 1 - 1 1/2 hours in length, but material was added to make it longer. There was an overall feeling that the movie as a whole did not mesh. The fuck scene was entirely unneccesary, and should have been cut in order to use that time to expand on more meaningful plot items.
I hope this is not a sign of things to come - will Revolutions be utter crap?
Dammit dammit dammit
A few months ago, I came up with an idea to have a reality show where the audience makes life decisions for a person and watch them play out.
I just saw a commercial for that same premise.
I could be soooooo in the money now....
I had just bought a box of Tide laundry detergent. I put the box next to the old box and noticed that the new one was slightly larger. The old Mountain Spring flavor is 263 oz, while the new Original flavor is 267 oz. Then, I noticed that the Mountain Spring one says it can do 120 loads, while the Original one can do 95.