Taking the test on Jet's page (yeah, you'd think I'd link it, but I'm not that HTML savvy or motivated), I get these results for presidential candacy:
1. Kucinich, Cong. Dennis, OH - Democrat (100%)
2. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (86%)
3. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT - Democrat (84%)
4. Edwards, Senator John, NC - Democrat (83%)
5. Gephardt, Cong. Dick, MO - Democrat (82%)
6. Moseley-Braun, Former Senator Carol IL - Democrat (78%)
7. Lieberman Senator Joe CT - Democrat (72%)
8. Sharpton, Reverend Al - Democrat (67%)
9. Graham, Senator Bob, FL - Democrat (58%)
10. Libertarian Candidate (36%)
11. Bush, George W. - US President (25%)
12. Phillips, Howard - Constitution (3%)
13. LaRouche, Lyndon H. Jr. - Democrat (-10%)
I must say, it isn't a very representation of what my real preferences were. Perhaps if the survey asked a few more (say 20) meaningful questions things would pan out more to my preferences. Preferences for Joe, Carol, and Dyack (Dick) are far higher than they should be.
Reading the blurb on Dennis, I can't fathom how the survey figures he is a 100% match for me. I disagree with 4 of his agendas.
Posted by haglund at June 26, 2003 7:46 PM