Well, that was a weekend filled with lack of sleep and seeing people.
I hope everyone had a good time and had plenty of food. The burgers would have turned out better a) had I found Open Pit somewhere b) if I was more used to the grill. However, I felt that cooking them a little longer was preferable to them being raw on the inside.
I was glad to get to see some people that I haven't seen in years, or ever. Meiqi is probably the most adorable little girl I have ever met, I hope she is like that all the time for her parents. I hear she misses "the Trouble kittie and the Baby kittie".
Unfortunately, the weekend went by too quickly, and I didn't get to spend as much time as I would have liked with everyone. But, as it was, I spent the entire day of Tuesday recouperating (sleeping).
We should try to do something like this often...
Some memorable highlights:
"Oh, it's Chick-Fil-A, not Chick Villa"
The offerings to the great Kittie god from Aurelia
terrorising the kitties
singing and dancing for us
playing football
playing hide and seek with said football
much Risk action - even though each game ended with me being defeated
and much more that my failing memory has forgotten at this time...
Already forgetting the trip up this past weekend....
Highlights - there was a little white car from Texas who passed me in Oklahoma on I-35. Then it passed me again. Then it passed me in Kansas. Then it passed me in Missouri. Then it passed me in Iowa. Interesting, considering I never passed it once. He must have had to go to the bathroom a lot.
While in Kansas, I saw a vehicle in the south bound lane which I can only describe as looking like it was comprised of cardboard and duct tape - in it's entirety.
There was something else, but I've forgotten already.
And, my sister has her Bachelors degree. The highlight of the ceremony was that when the commencer said "Will all those that are receiving their Bachelors in Arts and Sciences please stand up."