February 28, 2003

Mental note:

Never ever ever ever - never, never, never do a web order for any Comcast services.

I made the mistake of ordering cable TV and internet services off their web page. The managed to loose the TV order and managed to change the self-install option to the ream me up the ass install option for the internet.

Their billing department will not do anything on the screw-up cause they feel if it's already happened, then I'm S.O.L.

I can't get the TV installation until the internet installation is completed out - which needs to wait for them to bury the cable. After that's complete, I can then re-order TV service and schedule an install date - which is usually 7 business days out.

The only ray of sunshine - which may turn out to be more of a hassle than a blessing - is that the internet tech installed the TV line for me already. So I currently have digital cable, just without the converter box. We'll see if that becomes a problem when they come to bury the cables.

I love incompetency!

Speaking of which, my first month of MCI phone service was free thanks to a promotional deal. However, it seems that they never got my bill payment - which consisted of the credit coupon. They proceeded to charge me a late fee, charge me for last month's and this month's charges, and threatened to shut off my service. I sent in the full payment earlier this week, and called them up. After many transfers, I talk to somebody who could help me. She suggested that it could take 2-3 billing periods to show up. Now, I'm thinking, this really can't be. You give people their first month free, but you don't do it automatically. You give them a coupon which they need to send in with their statement. Then you proceed to sit on it for 2 months, meanwhile threatening your customer with disconnection and charging late fees, forcing them to go and pay their first month. What idiocy is this???? Now, I'm thinking this is more of a "give us another month to try and figure out what the heck we did with it". So I have to wait until March's statement to see if it shows up - which I am thinking if it hasn't yet, it's not going to - and then call them back and get them to credit me a month's service.

So I sit at home, getting roughly 6 calls a day from MCI asking me where's their money - to which I have to explain how they've forgotten that my first month of service is free, and that they are not due any money at all from me.

Well, gotta go catch up on 7 months of downloads, now that I can download in seconds and minutes as opposed to hours and days.

Posted by haglund at 4:53 PM

February 6, 2003

What lameness is this??

It's Feb 6th, and I am now, just now, getting my December mail! It would seem that it takes the USPS 2 months to take the mail from the 'need to be forwarded' pile to the 'put the sticker' on pile.

Posted by haglund at 5:46 PM

February 3, 2003

Random musings:

Had the news on this morning while getting ready for work - saw an Empire Carpet commercial. Took me a few seconds to realize 'Hey, wait, this isn't Chicago'. Guess Empire's gone nation wide - now everyone will have 5-8-8-2-3-hundred embedded in the subconscious.

This morning will actually be warmer than this afternoon, from upper 60s to lower 50s.

Local radio station on the outcome of Groundhog Day: 6 more weeks of winter, sure we can all deal with 6 more weeks of the 70s.

Attempted to clean the garage over the weekend - nearly got all the hundreds and hundreds of bricks left over from construction out. Laid them out in the back yard, and I think I can make a patio out of them eventually.

Still attempting to get all settled in and unboxed.

Posted by haglund at 9:37 AM