November 8, 2002

Ok, what the hell. Why wasn't this shit available when I was in college????!!!!


It’s dinnertime at the University of Chicago, and that means Jerome Van Der Ghinst has a decision to make. Red-pepper risotto tossed with salmon? Grilled flank steak done to perfection? Or maybe just some Froot Loops.

The only passing for edible was the cereal when I was in college. Cereal came straight from the box, so you knew exactly what it was, and knew it had a grade above E - as opposed to the other foods available. The salad fixings were passable, but when you start finding pork chops and other foodstuff within, you tend to avoid the buffet style foodstuffs. Hell, I'd use the money that went into pizza to buy the food that's available to campuses now. Red-pepper risotto tossed with salmon is far far far more appetizing than country captain's stew!

Posted by haglund at November 8, 2002 1:45 PM