Ah, it's finally getting back into the 60's and the sun is coming out. Not quite back to normal temps, but the weather is nicer than the previous few weeks - no more gloom and rain and cold, at least for this week.
I was told today that the carpeting will be in on Thursday, and the appliances either Friday or Monday. I've got a walk through meeting on the 18th, to go over what/where/why of everything in the house, and to note what needs attention before I take ownership. So, it's looking like I'll be closing on the 21st or 22nd. Already have the movers scheduled for the 23rd - went with the firefighters, and already gave my 30 day notice to move out. If all goes well, I'll be moved in before Thanksgiving.
I'm going to hold off on pictures until things are finished.
Posted by haglund at November 5, 2002 1:54 PM