October 31, 2002

Drove by the house today and got the biggest surprise (to me) yet. I've got grass and a tree!

There was a light source inside, but I couldn't tell if that is because there's electricity or if it was a portable light. They were working inside, so I didn't go in to look at how things are looking.

On the bad side of things, I had to take my vehicle in to get it looked at. It started making noises yesterday, and I was hoping it was just the wheel bearing. That was the mechanic's first thought, which would have required the entire wheel hub to be replaced, since it's an all in one unit. So, my figuring $150 turned into $300. Then they call back and said the think it's actually the front drive shaft, and not the wheel bearing - so that job will be $550. Two weeks ago, it was the tires, which killed the garage door opener and the shower door. Now, this kills off the drill and any Christmas gifts, and narrows the amount I can afford for the movers to not more than $500.

This also means that all window coverings for the place will need to come from outside sources, as well as a drill to install them. I guess at the worst, I can buy some cheap sheets and hang those up until I get the fundage - sometime next year....

Posted by haglund at 6:38 PM

October 29, 2002

I did an oops. I didn't know scp would overwrite files without asking. So, I may have overwritten some previous pictures from the last batch...

Otherwise, new pix are up

Looks like I only overwrote one of the former pictures of the kitchen...

Posted by haglund at 1:23 PM

October 28, 2002

Two quandaries:

What is up with the Transformers Go-Bots? Showing my age here, but isn't that mutually exclusive of each other? Is it such that the Transformers have so utterly destroyed the Go-Bots that they now use the name in their product line?

What is the point of this time shift we go through? I was thinking on this today, and I realized that it would make more sense if we were changing our clocks an hour ahead in October. This way, we get sunset at 7pm during the winter as opposed to 5pm. This, to me, makes far more sense. Why do we even bother changing the clocks such that sunrise is as close to 5am as possible? Is there point? If it's so that farmer's could have their kids get work done before school: 1)is this really a relevant issue anymore. 2) couldn't they just start school later??? So, you wake up at 7, get two hours of work, then start school at 9 - would that really have made that much of a difference in their lives? Time itself is arbitrary, so what difference would it have made?

I personally find it much more desireable to go to work when it's dark, and get home while it's still light. In this sense, I don't go home with a feeling that the day is already over. This totally saps any motivation I would have in getting anything done, as I now feel that since it's dark, it's bed time already.

Oh, and semi-(maybe not)relatedly, when did the work day become 8 - 5?? Growing up, it was always described as 9-5 - even had a movie and everything. Not that I adhere to this arbitrary corporation rule, but was curious when the work day became redefined.

Posted by haglund at 7:19 PM

October 26, 2002

Started to do some pre-lim packing while changing my oil today - needed to kill time while the oil drained. After about 2 hours of casual packing, I realized that I had already boxed a good portion of my belongings. I'd say not counting the kitchen, clothes, toiletries, and the computers/computer desk, I'd have the remaining stuff boxed in less than 3 hours.

This seems a bit odd to me: being able to box enough stuff to occupy a 1k sq. foot space in about 5 hours. I don't know if it's a testament to my skill in moving so many times since 1990, or just that I have a few items which take up a huge amount of space each....

Now, it makes me wonder if I should just have the movers pick up all the boxes. Since my TV necessitates having movers, and my couch and bed make it a desireable thing, maybe I should have them take the boxes as well....

Which means, I've got to start finding a mover - joy... Should I have the corporations do it, the firemen, the cops, or the christians....

Posted by haglund at 5:27 PM

October 25, 2002


THe walls are painted, and the doors are in. The put in the cabinets. It's looking pretty nice. Looks like all that's left is the counters, the electricity/phone/cable mains, one medicine cabinet, and the flooring - and the appliances

Posted by haglund at 6:44 PM

Dear Dumbass,

That snotty attitude you had because I wouldn't let you in is entirely uncalled for. There was ample notice that the three lanes were merging into one, and being a resident of the area, I suspect you knew far in advance that you'd have to merge into the left most lane. Now, being a somewhat intelligent person with farsight, I already anticipated this and was in the left lane. Now, you, on the other hand, figured you could by pass everyone and be ahead of the pack. Well, that's all fine and good, but do not expect me to yeild to you. If you want it that badly, then you're going to have to work for it, and get in front of me. I have no obligation to yeild and allow you in front of me. So, the only person you can legitimately be angry at is yourself for taking the gamble and losing. It's not my fault that I would not actually be turning off. It's not my fault that I would quickly get up to speed. The fault is solely on you - who feels they need to be vindicated with a position above all others. You, who feels the Earth and Sun revolves around them, and deserve to get everything your way. Sorry sister, your ass was grass, and you got the only reward you were deserving.

Posted by haglund at 6:02 PM

Well, confusion abounds....

Talked to the sales person today, and the walls are painted, and the cabinets are in. I was told the expected date of completion will be 11/12, with a closing on 11/20. However, when I last talked to the loan officer, they show it's not within 45 days of completion.... Which is kinda sucky, as the 45 days til completion date was back when the interest rates were at 5.94% - the lowest in my lifetime, and now they are climbing past 6.3%. The 45 days til completion date indicates when I can lock in the interest rate for the mortgage.

So, I am not fully certain when I'll be closing, but I think I need to start making plans that I'll be moving during the week of Thanksgiving...

I'll be taking more pictures over the weekend, and try to put those, as well as the remainder from last week, up sometime next week.

Posted by haglund at 2:40 PM

October 17, 2002

Well, I guess the brick isn't too awful. Guess I'll grow into it the more I look at it.

I do seem to have a more unique bricking pattern than the other houses - they gave me a center piece even.

Posted by haglund at 7:28 PM

The new pix are loaded. I'll be taking some video of the interior, since the pictures don't convey the inside very well. Will also take pix of the exterior, since they should be finished bricking by then. They were half way finished last night. Not sure if I like the bricks... will have to look at it when it's all finished to decide.

Posted by haglund at 10:02 AM

October 16, 2002

I was watching the news last night, and duct tape has yet another use: wart removal.

Took some pix last night, but with the walls in place, it's getting diffucult to include an entire room. I'll try taking some video over the weekend, when I can get it done while the sun is still up. I don't like this getting dark around 7 stuff. Also, I would suspect that the brick laying will be finished by the weekend,
so I'll take some external pix.

Ooooh, reading the news now, and it looks like Dallas will ban smoking in restaurants. They'll be voting on it soon - with only 8 votes required to institute the ban. Nine council members are already in support of it. This is most excellent news... now, just need to get that out to the surrounding area, and get some laws that state no smoking within 30 feet of a building entrance, and life will be good.

Posted by haglund at 11:09 AM

October 15, 2002

Damn it's cold out! Two days in a row, I've had to break out the jacket.
I must be an official Texan if I find temps in the 60's to be cold... I wish it would return to the normal low 80's range.

Looks like the dry wall's up - no brick work yet though. Will try to swing by and take some more pictures. THe one next to me has gone up fast. In the last 2-3 weeks, it has got it's foundation poured, farme up, roof done, and they are working on the plumbing. That one prolly won't be too far behind mine in finishing. The other one next to me has been sold in the last week or so, so we'll see how quickly that one goes up with winter coming.

Posted by haglund at 1:52 PM

October 10, 2002

Talked to my loan officer today. Needed to tell her what home owners insurance I was going to use. Found out I made a mistake by getting a quote for the value of the house instead of the loan amount. Since she didn't have the exact breakdown of cost, so went through what she had available so far - something around 163k. I found out during this, that the government raised the cap on the FHA loan, so now the entire closing cost can be rolled into the loan. This means I'll be able to close on the house with nothing out of pocket. Most excellent! My checking account just went up about $1500-$2000.

I now feel confident in being about to break the lease and get movers to move the dreaded TV, and be able to get presents for the family for Christmas, and visit during Christmas. And, I should be able pay off a loan, and significantly pay off Gene by January.

Ah, the financial situation is getting better and better. I am starting to have some breathing room, after more than 2 1/2 years of negative income.

Posted by haglund at 2:30 PM

October 7, 2002

I must say, it's a bit chilly today. It still hasn't gotten over 70 yet.

This is a bit more than a 20 degree difference since yesterday.

Posted by haglund at 2:36 PM

Nothing happening. Had to spend a few days in North Carolina for pointless "training" last week. Must say I am unimpressed with NC, at least the Raleigh-Durham area. Hours and hours of waiting at the ariport on Thursday because of Lili. Most of the flight from NC was cloudy - even at 35k feet.

Not much new with the house. It finally passed the plumbing inspection after about 4 tries. More inspections on the way before anything more significant happens.

Posted by haglund at 9:54 AM