Long at last, I am in San Francisco.
I arrived late last night after an unfortunate 3 hour delay in BUFU, NV getting my brakes worked on. Asides from that, the trip out has been pretty smooth.
(Apologies if I'm going over stuff I've already mentioned in my previous entry, but I figured I should do the trip some justice and flesh things out a bit more.)
I moved out on Sunday after a mass amount of cleaning & packing. After having the unexpected fortune of someone offering their services to help throw out stuff, I finally got the place pretty much cleared out & cleaned by that afternoon. Final damage was 4 full dumpsters of trash and a *very* loaded Civic. I decided to take things easy and just drive to my parents' place. I dropped off a ton of stuff there (including the guitars, my Pee Schee, CD's & Mikasa dinnerware), grabbed a bake @ home carry out pizza, and watched Master & Commander: Far Side of the World.
The first real day of driving was rather hard because I wasn't used to driving 13 hours in a single day. Additionally, the western 2/3 of Kansas is such utterly boring farmland. I finally arrived in Denver around 7:30 or so localtime there. After checking intoo the hotel, I made my way to Trail Dust for mmm...20 oz porterhouse like water & 22 oz Blue Moon from the tap.
The second day was better & worse in various aspects: the day was shorter and the scenery far more appealing than the prior day. However, my stomach was on a rampage for some reason, and I had to stop rather frequently. I got into Salt Lake City early evening. I hit a nice Italian food, beer & pool place called Stoneground.
The third day (yesterday) was pretty decent. I got to checkout the Great Salt Lake...which is doing an excellent job of receding and becoming a big giant salt deposit. Unfortunately, I had the before mentioned 3 hour delay getting work done on my brakes just across the Utah border in BUFU, NV. It did give me an opportunity to read more of Quicksilver. After that, it was pretty much smooth sailing - raced through the rest of Nevada, swung through Reno, up and down through Tahoe region, and then a straight shot over into San Francisco. I actually drove fast enough to meet The General there.
Today, I took it leisurely during the morning before heading off to the Haight-Ashbury region for a touristy jaunt. I ended up spending too much money @ Amoeba Music, picked up a Vietnamese cuisine cookbook @ Booksmith and then wandered about Golden Gate Park.
I'll have another day of slacking in the Bay Area so I'll be sure to update everyone on the continued hijinks.