SO good or NO good?
Went out last night to see this show for the third time. (I know, I’m a dork.) Here are highlights, as I remember them.
* Ridiculously long discussion about which foods at the Irish Emigrant do or do not take more than fifteen minutes to arrive
* Good god, how I love drinking and watching theatre with LL Cool Ray
* Run-in #2 with the bizarre but ever-lovin’ Urban Tribe
* Having my knitted uterus turned down in favor of a diaper
* One of the most exciting moments of guy-on-guy action I have ever seen on a stage (ha!)
* Hot damn, do I have a total girlcrush on Stephanie
* I am no longer the only one who laughs until they cry repeatedly while out drinking!
* Brooke’s sexy new giant-ear-hole-things
* Getting to hang out with Molly for the first time in WAY too long
* Teaching others about the joys of the chichi (Yes, Crave, I always give credit where credit is due.)
* SPIDERMAN! (For the record, 007, I have been giggling about this all day.)
* Then, for good measure, HUCKLEBERRY FINN!
* Making Captain Dashing nearly fall over
* Getting to ride shotgun with The Phenomenon for the second time in three days
* Being reminded that Wonderhorn truly does have wonderful taste in people
* Getting picked up NO LESS THAN FOUR TIMES on my walk home from Charlie’s
* Wondering why “Hey, how you DOING, Mommy?” is supposed to sound sexy, even with a gangsta latino accent
* Walking most of the way home with a harmless homeless guitar playing hippie from Texas, who discussed with me in intimate detail why it’s so important to prioritize
* Discovering cat pee on my couch (sigh)
* Being more sure that my priorities are straight than I’ve been in awhile.
Shout-out for today to Jaegermeister for kicking the living SHIT out of that show, even while in pain. (Did I ever tell you you’re my hero?)