what have you done for me lately?
Tipped off to this by a good friend, I decided to check out my journal entries from last year at this time … and the year before, and the year before. The middle of July has, apparently, always been a time of major transfiguration. (This is stupid, given July’s natural proclivity for being a time of resting and sunbathing.)
One year ago …
I had finally realized that it was okay to admit that something was wrong with my chemistry. I had just been present for the second birth of my life - the now not-so-baby niece of Crave.I was a total wreck, and had allowed myself to disappear from the lives of pretty much everybody who cared about me.
Two years ago …
I was finally getting rid of the last remnants of the life I had when I first moved to this city. I was learning how to have girl friends. (Someone recently looked at a picture of me from a high school dance, and was able to immediately deduce exactly what my relationship with several of my male friends was like at the time. What can I say? Boys make more sense to me.) By spending time with the other 3 fat boys (who, for the record, are NOT boys) and noticing how different we all were, I was learning how important it is that I know myself well enough to really appreciate those differences. As a group, I think we had great strength in our diversity, which forced me to recognize and respect NOT being like the people around me.
Three years ago…
I was just beginning to pull my shit together after the most life-shattering life change ever. I was spending time with my East-Side high school brilliant computer friends (whom my whitey-pants Seattle Theatre Friends quickly dubbed “The Korean Mafia”), and I was forcing myself to get out of the house and spend time with people. It was hard as SHIT, but it was so good. Plus, falling beerlamps are always funny.
Four years ago…
Just about to do 14/48 for the first time. I would be cast over that weekend with BOTH of the actors I so idolized from the very first show I ever saw in this city. I would learn that they are just people too, and that my dreams weren’t so far out of reach after all.
Anyway, there you have it. On a more recent note, please remind me if I should forget again that I SHOULD NEVER DRINK BEER. Inanity, thy name is Hefeweizen.
Um. Two? I never said it made sense! :P Mostly, you were the Tony Soprano of this Mafia, and all of the shock and awe inherent in the organization can be attributed to you. (Hee!)
Wait, how many Koreans were there, actually?