who’s a beast? oh, yeah.
I walked fourteen miles on Saturday. Just because I felt like it.
How did you spend YOUR weekend?
In other news, I have a whole phalanx of plans for the near future. This includes, but is not limited to -
* Sell motorcycle
* Pay off lots of debt
* Put together my bicycle
* Buy fun bike stuff (if Crave has bike tights, I should at least have a helmet!)
* Continue getting financial shit in order
* Spend weekend at cabin on the ocean with best. girlfriends. evar.
* Continue preparing self for impending insanity of THIS. (There are no words.)
* Figure out career stuff. Won’t post about this online much, but weird shit has gone down the past couple of months.
* Finally finish cleaning apartment - two rooms down, one to go!
Massive Spring Cleaning is ensuing in all areas of my life, and I love it. Out with the old, in with the new … I remember in college when we talked about “Spring Carnage”, and how the breakup of relationships and the rebirth of things and the changing of seasons coincide. I no longer fear this yearly upheaval. Now, I find that I kind of look forward to it.
I’ll try to be more present here, really. Of course, I say that every spring.
It’s a fake wedding! He’s got his ring on the wrong hand!
In other news, sell your motorbike to Molly, she’s needs transportation right about now.
The thought of Molly on a motorcycle very nearly makes me need new pants.
Well, sh*t my p*ss, you dirty p*ss-sh*tter.
Whoa, censored and everything! You are rated E for Everyone!
I spent my Saturday doing other peoples’ income taxes.
Sunday, I recouperated from doing the above, by watching a lot of Brit TV Sci-Fi (Old UFO & New Dr. Who).