7 lutego 2005

you’ve gotta believe we are magic

Another “You’ve come a long way, baby” entry, because I am continually baffled by the rapid (and yet interminably slow) passage of time.

This entry was a year ago today. Has it really only been only a year since Dark Ride opened? Many of the people I’d never laid eyes on until that show are still very much parts of my life. The gypsy character from that entry is now one of my favorite karaoke pals, and just left me a voicemail this past Saturday night identifying himself as “You know, Uncle Pervy.” He can’t imagine how important his advice and insight have been to me this year.

Two years ago, I was about to hook up with my very first person post-Bill, who just happened to be an old pseudo-ex and friend. Aah, blasts from the past. I’d really missed this guy, and his visit was such a huge fucking turning point in my life. I realized that I wasn’t, in fact, emotionally dead. After the drama of the previous year, that was so nice to know.

Three years ago, I was on the verge of losing the only real best friend I’d ever had and heading into the most terrifying time of my entire life. It is comforting to me to know that my heart will never be that broken and my life will never be that frightening and that I will never feel that alone again. Thank god for emotional scar tissue - because while it might take you longer to break through later, at least you know that it can’t kill you. This is always good to remember.

Posted by freesia at 17:33