6 listopada 2004

a fucking lot of firsts

In the last several weeks, many momentous have happened to me. These include…

1) My first time running out of gas

2) My first time getting pulled over

3) My second time getting pulled over

4) My first time having my car impounded because I am a “scofflaw”

5) My first loan taken out so that the cops didn’t auction off my car

6) My first time having my eyes dilated

7) My first contacts! Woo being able to see!

8) Selling my guitar

9) Getting my nose re-pierced

10) Being in a Juicer for EXITheatre which completely put my artistic passion back where it belongs, center stage and in high gear

11) My first digital camera (I finally jumped into the new millennium!)

12) My first book on tape (Kinda hippie-woo-woo, but extremely helpful, as it turns out)

13) Re-learning how to be a BUS RIDER

14) My first vacuum cleaner that is mine-all-mine

15) Learning how to Zombie Dance

16) Having Harry Potter tell me that my Halloween costume was so good, it made him want to eat brains

17) Cutting my own hair … again

18) Taking my own advice and Carpeing the fucking Diem

19) Watching the cycle of couch-sleeping come full circle

20) My first homeless man following me for half an hour and occasionally stopping traffic (literally, like with his BODY) in an attempt to get my phone number. Oh, and did I mention he’d just spent ten years in jail?

21) Running into a friend on the street who is completely following her dreams, and is inspiring others to do so, and getting inspired just by being around her

I’m sure there are more, but that’s all you get for right now. Despite the shittiness that seems relatively pervasive in this country right now, I just needed to take a minute and ponder the fact that most of the changes in my own particular world right now are pretty good.

Posted by freesia at 20:08