31 marca 2004
those numbers I promised
Number of parts I just got offered:
Number of days since I have been able to eat solid food:
Number of pounds I have probably lost in this time:
Number of cans of Ginger Ale I have drunk in the last week (estimate):
Number of nights my chivalrous boyfriend has taken care of me:
More numbers on the way…
Posted by freesia at 18:39
Damn. Gettin roles while sick!
You rock. And not just in some normal, run-of-the-mill, Rolling Stones past their prime sort of way, you rock with the fire of a thousand Jack Blacks rocking their way down that strectch of highway doing battles with firey demons for the good of all humanity. You rock *that* way.
gms @ 08:27 AM | 2004/04/01
Heh. Well, YOU rock out with your COCK out. ;)
freesia @ 11:05 AM | 2004/04/01
OMIGOD!!! I just discovered your blog site Alicia! You just constantly surprise and delight, don’t you?
So much Love,