rising from the medicated ashes
I have been sick for two weeks. For the last four days, I have been in bed. Literally. If I haven’t responded to phone calls or emails, I am sorry. I have been in a drug-induced stupor. I didn’t mean to offend.
Two things, quickly, before I go back to bed.
#1. This is primarily for Sarah, who laughed a bit when I talked about the way people out here long for rain at the end of the summer. By my second Seattle fall, I was starting to understand it. Now on my fourth (fourth? Oh my god, can that be right?) autumn out here, I feel it in my bones. It doesn’t take long. Here is Sjet’s take on the incoming rain.
#2. This is something I had to share, because goddamn is it cute. The more I look at it, the more I have the munchies. Plus, it’s topical, and fits in with the …and also Fierce theme.

What San-X Character Are You?
#3. This week, I went to a doctor for the first time in a very, very long time. On the upside, he gave me lots of fun flu-fighting drugs. On the flipside, he thinks I am in the process of creating myself an ulcer, and he wants me to come back for a CAT-scan and/or MRI due to the possible concussion from the Concrete Blonde show in January. See, this is why I don’t like doctors. You go in once, and then they just SUCK YOU IN. Goddammit. As if I don’t have enough to do with my time.
freesiabean, I am so glad you are still alive! you need to come out here. or maybe I need to come out there. I am trying to think of excuses for a million more vacations, as often as possible. especially with you and mz tori.