20 września 2003

holy crap salad, batman

Great fucking day. Reasons include:

Sarah is here visiting me from Chicago.
Quality time at the Garage drawing cartoons on napkins with Sarah and Pwe.
Just got done drinking with Pwe and Sarah and Andrew White.
Let’s face it, Andrew’s take on most life situations just makes everything better… i.e. my lungs are “half full” of tar, as opposed to “half empty”.
Saw a really good fringe show tonight - directed by MA, starring Sparky and J.Faulk and Roberta.
Got to kiss a couple of stars of said show.
Got an email from a dude I’ve been … courting an email from.
Ate a lot of awesome food.
Feeling really good about “I’m difficult” situation b/c of excellent phone conversation with “Joe” last night.
Currently wearing smallest pants since high school.
People have been saying really nice things about the new tattoo all day.

These are just starters. At some point I am going to post some of the pictures we’ve taken so far … heh. heh. heh. If I were you all, I would be waiting with baited breath.

Time to go to sleep, so that I can audition for Ida in the morning. Oy.

Posted by freesia at 0:51

Lungs half full of tar is never a bad way to be. :)Hey, guess what I finally did: http://www.livejournal.com/users/cadencerain

*spit* @ 07:01 AM | 2003/09/20

You forgot to mention the magnificent, rambling voice message I left on your cell … and how you’re going to ignore me for a few days until you have a moment to spare or I nag you with another message, delightful email or, *gasp*, random comments in your online journal.

Damnit, my life is a fucking, swirling mess of articulate thoughts and vague emotions at this moment … but I’m gonna climb back onto this bull, and ride the motherfucker until I’ve found my peace.

My mindbomb is ticking …

silence @ 11:40 AM | 2003/09/21

cut the green wire, MacGyver! The GREEN WIRE!

freesia @ 01:50 PM | 2003/09/21

*mental note*

“All future mindbombs shall employ green detonation wires that shall, if severed, cause immediate explosion.”

Here MacGyver, Mac Gyver, MacGyver … here here, MacGyver …

silence @ 02:46 PM | 2003/09/21